Asahi News Nobeoka


Damion Freestone, Momotaro
Hawa-do A-na-
What a dog Internet Explorer 8 was!
No money to be made with recycling in Japan...anymore.
Keiko Ahner painting on display at Megane No Good, Minamai Nobeoka, Japan
Joke by Howard Ahner, election time in Japan...
Kare wa tokidoki gehin na kotoba wo tsukau.
Kare-ra ni wa sabetsu sareru gawa no kimochi ga wakaranai.
Kitaura Matsuri October 10, 2009 on Saturday
Ono Gallery Tokyo - Keiko Ahner - Slide Show in the Ginza
Howard Ahner's MS Paint Art - Slide Show
Whitey Ahner - November 23-2008
Howard, Mia, Jun, Mare and Whitey Ahner
What is Myo?
November 11, 2008
Nagahama Shapely
A Day in Kawaminami Cho
Great View - Southern Hyuga, Miyazaki Ken, Japan November 11, 2008
Best Youchien in Kawaminami
Artist in Nobeoka
What color was the carpet at the Tokyo film festival?
Takachiho Sen Update
Have you had any frozen green beans lately?
Will Ex-Nova students get their money back?
If gas costs $3 a gallon in the US, how much is a liter in Japan?
Nobeoka Grass
"Kankei Nai" Town
His Flowers in Nobeoka
Driftwood in Nobeoka
Beachwood in Nobeoka
Nobeoka Holes
A "Mamacheri" Bicycle is For Mother's
Okatomi Means, "Rich Hill."
My Friend Lost His Bicycle Key in Nobeoka
Mamacheri Bicycles in Japan
English Classes in Nobeoka with Howard Ahner, an American from California
My MS Paint Art
Ahner Small Talk
A Day on Nagahama Beach in Nobeoka - Autumn
Nam Myoho Renge Kyo


The Birth of Tsukimaro
I received the message that your baby was born. Congratulations! It is especially significant that today is the eighth day of the month. Not only have you had your baby, but on such an auspicious day! The fulfillment of your wish is now complete, just like the tide at the high water mark or the blossoming of flowers in a spring meadow. Thus, I have wasted no time in giving her a name. Please call her Tsukimaro.
The Great Bodhisattva Hachiman, the sovereign deity of this country, was born on the eighth day of the fourth month. Shakyamuni Buddha, the lord of this saha world, was also born on the eighth day of the fourth month. Your baby girl was born on the eighth day, though in a different month. She could well be the reincarnation of Shakyamuni or Hachiman. Ordinary man that I am, I, Nichiren, have no way to tell for certain, but I am convinced that this auspicious birth is attributable to the mystic agent I gave you. How happy you both must be! In celebration, you have kindly sent me rice cakes, sake and one string of coins. I also reported this to the Gohonzon and the Ten Goddesses.
When the Buddha was born, there were thirty-two auspicious phenomena, as is recorded in a book called Shusho no Iki. Shakyamuni Buddha took seven steps immediately following his birth, opened his mouth and uttered the words, expressed in sixteen Chinese characters: "Throughout heaven and earth, I alone am worthy of respect. The threefold world is a place of suffering from which I shall save all people." Tsukimaro must have chanted Nam-myoho-renge-kyo with her very first cry at birth. The Lotus Sutra speaks of "the true entity of all phenomena." T’ien-t’ai says, "Voices do the Buddha’s work." The deaf cannot hear the thunder, and the blind cannot see the light of the sun and moon. But I, Nichiren, am quite certain that the Ten Goddesses must be together side by side, giving the baby her first bath and watching over her growth.
Let me heartily congratulate you. I can imagine your joy. I have respectfully reported this to the Ten Goddesses and to the Sun Goddess. I am too excited to write any more. I shall be writing you again.


As I have often said, unseen virtue brings about visible reward.


"No affairs of life or work are in any way different from the ultimate reality."


If gas costs $3 a gallon in the US,
If gas costs $3 a gallon in the US, how much is it
how much is a liter in Japan?

Will Ex-Nova Students Get Their Money Back?
Students of Nova
Nova Pays Back....

Have you had any frozen green beans lately?
Tainted Green Beans

What color was the carpet at the...
What color was the carpet?
Tokyo film festival?

Nothing Ever Changes in Nobeoka
East Kyushu Says Kankei Nai Often Enough
Kankei Nai in East Kyushu Japan

Nobeoka Grass
Nobeoka Grass
Nobeoka Grass

Nobeoka Holes
Nobeoka Holes
Nobeoka Holes

Beachwood in Nobeoka
Beachwood in Nobeoka
Beachwood in Nobeoka

Driftwood in Nobeoka
Driftwood in Nobeoka
Driftwood in Nobeoka

His Flowers in Nobeoka
His Flowers in Nobeoka
His Flowers in Nobeoka

Lost Bicycle Key
Cost to Replace is High

Okatomi Means Hills-Rich
in Nobeoka

MamaCheri Bicycle for Shopping Mother's

My Microsoft Paint Art
in Nobeoka
by Howard Ahner

English Classes in Nobeoka
English Teacher in Nobeoka
Miyazaki English


Nobeoka Grass
Nobeoka Grass
Nobeoka Grass

Nam Myoho Renge Kyo
Nam Myoho Renge Kyo
Nam Myoho Renge Kyo

Ahner Small Talk
and Miyazaki Prefecture Japan
in Nobeoka

Howard Ahner Art
Nobeoker Does Microsoft Paint in Nobeoka
Microsoft Paint Art by Howard Ahner

Email Howard Ahner:
Telephone: 0982-34-5666

Asahi News Nobeoka
Gokase Tripod Dot Com Nobeoka
Home in Nobeoka